I don't know if it's the onset of the holiday season, personal reflection, seeing my girls excited about the holidays or a number of other things but I am feeling sentimental today. I am so thankful for many things this year. I have truly been blessed.
I began thinking about these blessings last night as my oldest daughter left to attend her first High School Football championship game. It reminded me of being young and thinking I could do anything if given a chance. I recalled having a dream of becoming a doctor. Someone who could truly make a difference in the lives of so many people. As I am sure you know, I didn't quite go down that path. Turns out I am terrible at Science and the sight of blood makes me ill.
What I have been left pondering is if I let my dream slip away entirely. My whole reason for wanting to be in the medical field was to help people. To feel like what I did helped others. When I think about what I do everyday, I wonder if I make a difference. If what my company does really makes a difference.
You'll be happy to know I do make a difference and so does my company. In a very significant way actually. From the outside people may see what I do and the what the company does as nothing more than providing technology solutions. But honestly it's much more.
No, we're not rocket scientists and we're not doing something as noble as curing cancer. But we are having a profound impact on people's lives. Each year, we make it possible for over 4 million individuals to provide for their families financially. We ensure they have accessibility to their money so they can provide the necessary means to survive and more.
We also assist hundreds of thousands of families make informed decisions on how to protect themselves and their families from the devastation of health issues. We provide people with the education they need to effectively select the best risk mitigation solution(s) they need to protect their loved ones.
We engage people effectively in their respective organizations by providing visibility to future career opportunities. We help people grow and develop professionally to be better at what they do. We connect organizations with the unemployed to help them make a fresh start. We help socialize them into organizations so they build solid relationships with others faster. By doing all these things, we make these individuals better husbands, wives, mothers, fathers, siblings, etc. They are more fulfilled professionally which is directly correlated to how they feel personally.
So, the next time you think those of us in the technology space aren’t making a difference, think again. The next time you think you aren't making a difference, think again. We all make an impact in some way. You just have to look under the covers sometimes to find it.
Take a moment to say thank you to those who’ve made a difference in your life Chances are, there are a lot of people who are thankful for you.
Happy Thanksgiving!