2011 brought us some great success in terms of social recruiting. We saw a significant increase in the number of organizations who were utilizing social media as part of their recruiting process. Some studies said as many as 80% of organizations were using some aspect of social media for communicating opportunities. Wow, that is pretty impressive. 80% of companies are using one or more social media sites to communicate their job openings.
We also saw a slight movement away from the use of a resume as part of the recruiting experience. Now that is music to my ears. You all know how I feel about resumes and their usefulness or lack there of in the recruiting process. 2011 took us down that path with the introduction of the LinkedIn integration. Many ATS providers jumped on board and are now allowing candidates to submit their LinkedIn Profile when applying for a position on an organization's career center. This is a step in the right direction.
But, it's simply not enough. Yes, I give organizations credit who are allowing this behavior. It definitely does simplify the experience for the candidate but I want more. I want you to engage me where I am. Stop making me come to you. If you are going to entice me with an opportunity and allow me to submit my profile to you for consideration the least you could do is allow me to do it from where I am at. Don't make me click on a link, come back to a career center which is typically not very engaging and click to upload my profile. And don't get me started on the numerous other questions you are going to ask of me that may or may not have any relevance to the position.
Here's what I want from you instead. Provide me with the opportunity to engage with you right from LinkedIn, Facebook, etc. Allow me to easily submit my interest using my public profile (which by the way, is way more accurate than my resume), my YouTube video or see who in my network, circles or group of friends already works for you and be done. I know, that is simplifying the process too much. It just won't work for your organization.
We won't know until we try, will we? We have to change the way we think about people and technology. Take Mark Zuckerberg for example. If he had let fear of the unknown or complacency of what works stand in his way we wouldn't have coined the term "Facebook Me". Make this the year that you step back, evaluate what is truly adding value to the way you engage candidates and make a needed change. This is an easy one. It doesn't impact your employees. Just those of us who may or may not consider you as a future employer. Good luck!
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