Tuesday, August 2, 2011

My Coming Out Blog

Welcome to my coming out party.  For years I  have been an avid follower of many HR blogs but have never had the courage to create my own.  What’s funny about that is I am never at a loss for words, I speak my mind very openly and I love to challenge the status quo.  Those all sound like great characteristics of successful bloggers to me.  Maybe my hesitance came from thinking that I don’t have anything important to say.  Well no offense to some of the bloggers out there now, but I have read some posts in the past that didn’t speak to me at all and yet they continue to have a following.

So today is my day.  It’s my time to take a risk, put myself out there and say what I believe.  You may agree with me, you may not.  Quite frankly, I am not here to say what everyone wants to hear.  I am here to challenge the way we think about things, the way we do things.  Mainly around the management of talent and most importantly people.
Now you are probably wondering who is this chic and what’s her story?  As I said before, I am never at a loss of words so let me tell you a bit about me.  By day I spend my time thinking about how people connect, collaborate and get work done in organizations.  This type of thinking allows me to effectively create, develop and deploy the vision and strategy for Ultimate Software’s Talent Management solutions.  As the Director of Global Talent Management I get to think about the people aspect of organizations every day.

Just like most women, I wear many hats and pants for that matter throughout the day.  I am a wife to my dear husband Shane, a mom to the three most beautiful and talented girls (Kaitlin, Kaeli and Kendyl), a daughter, sister, friend, counselor……I think you get the picture.  As you can see, I am not really any different than the rest of you.  I just hope I can bring you along for a great ride and that you learn something along the way.  Til next time……


  1. Hi Lisa! Looking forward to the journey!

  2. Here's one small step for Lisa...
    Wish you the very best!

  3. Congrats Lisa.. you are clearly a thought leader in the space and look forward to your postings!

  4. Congratulation Lisa. Look forward to exchange more ideas and learn more from you and other members of this blog. I am more familiar with Asia and particularly practices in China. Westerners have lots of best practices and definitely ahead of China in a big way. Look forward to learn more from your blog.
